Group number four compounded by Susana, Kriscia, Xunaxi, Olmes and Josue is closing the first round of classes. I expected a pretty interactive and interesting class. To be honest, I really liked the materials they used during the lesson. They used good visual aids; flashcards were colorful and big enough for children. However, there were some details I consider could be improved. For example, I could notice that some teachers from this group did not know very well the songs, since this stage consists on the opening/closing of the class, I consider singing the song is a crucial moment in order to awake student’s attention. Besides, children enjoy singing; so if students see teachers without enthusiams, then children will get boring and they will lack of interest.
Moreover, I consider the attitude of the teacher is so important when standing in front of children. I noticed teacher Olmes a little bit nervous when he delivered the Warm–up stage; but I am sure he will improve that point for future classes.
Besides, I liked the Presentation stage which was taught by teacher Xunaxi, she did a good explanation about the topic.
Nevertheless, I consider the explanation was faster for children understood better. As well, she only asked one student to pass to the front to read a sentence. I think , it could be a good idea to look for a stretegy to choose the students to participate.
Then , teacher Josue delivered the second part of the Presentation stage. I liked the way he explained the lesson. He knew how to modulate the voice, and he had a good enthusiam when he was explaining the topic.
As the lesson progressed,
it was time to practice. The Practice stage was encharged by teacher Kriscia. To
be honest, I noticed her a little bit nervous, which is normal, but I was
wondering because she speaks low. However, she did a good job in this lesson,
she modulated her voice very well. With practice, I hope she will control her
nervousness. In addition, I liked the fact that she engaged all students in the
The part of the Production
part was developed by teacher Susana. I
really liked the activities she and the students performed. The activities were
interesting for children; I realize that they enjoyed them . The materials she
used in this stage were appropriate for the task students had asked to perform.
Finally, the Wrap- up
stage was delivered by teacher Josue. I liked that that he not only asked
students what they had learned, but he asked them if they had enjoyed and liked
the activities in the lesson. In general, this group of teacher did a good job.
In my opinion, they made a well use of
materials, and it was a meaningful lesson.
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