this workshop, I learned different speking activities which can be used in the
language classroom not only to make children feel confident about their
learning, but to practice the target language and get fun at the same time. I also
learned that interaction is pretty important
when teaching children due to they feel part of the group.
creativity is the key to encourage
children to speak; we as language teachers are able to use many speaking
activities that allow children to participate and get active in the lesson
without make them feel forced.
One of the most important things I learned from this workshop is that we need to give clear and short instructions as
possible for the reason that children are
beginners in the language; so that it would be difficult for them to understand
and to follow our instructions. As well, it is important to make sure if
children have understood instructions before performing an activity. However,
we have to avoid asking questions such as “I don’t know if you understand?”. In
contrast, it is better to ask more appropiate questions like “Is everything
clear?” or “Is there any question?”.
Furthermore, keeping control about
students and the class itself is quite difficult for teacher but it is
important to teacher take control over children and how the class is going on.
A good strategy I learned is to avoid show our back to children when we are
explaining, writing or posting material on the board. In addition, materials
are important to teach English to children. Materials (flashcards, puppets,
toys, etc.) have to do with size, color and the material itself.
For example,
if we will use flashcards to teach vocabulary, they have to be big enough in
order all children be able to see it. As well, colors are very important in
order to catch children’s attention. Finally, material such as ball, toys,
dices or balloons have also be bigger for the reason that children have
troubles on managing small objects.
To summarize, there are many speaking
activities we can integrate into the lesson according to the topic or
vocabulary we are going to teach. We also have to be very creative in order to
encourage children to speak through catchy material and activities where they
not just get fun but also encounter vocabulary from the target language.
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