Friday, September 18, 2015

Coping with Stage Fright and How to Speak in Public

After two interesting, meaningful and funny workshops at the Art and Culture Departament, I really learned important things I consider important for future teaching practice.
During the workshops we did different activities. For example, Instructor Geovany asked us to walk around the classroom in order to cover all the spaces available in it. At the beginning of this acivity I did not undertand what was the purpose of it; however, I learned that it is important that teachers walk and cover all the spaces in the classroom in order to interact with all children,and not only stand at the same place.
As well, Geovany explained us that when working with children, it is important that we become children too. As we already know children do not have shame to do funny things either they have prejudice about other people.  I think that we have to be funny in our classes  in order to motivate our students. An interesting detail I learned is that if we ask our students to sit on the floor to perform a task or activity, we also have to do it for the reason that we are a model for students and they will see teacher as a friend rather that a person with authority giving instructions.

 Moreover, in these workshops we did some activities in order to learn how to modulate our voices in the classroom. Why is it important for teacher to know how to modulate the voice into the classroom? I learned that it is important modulate the voice according to what is being expressed. The tone of the voice can get student’s attention. It is also essential to modulate the voice in order all our students listen what we are saying, explaining, etc.

Something important I learned in the second workshop is how important is avoiding the use of "fillers" (and, but, so, and some others). Fillers make our speech repetitive and disgusting. To be honest, I know I have a good tone of voice; however, I aware that I have to modulate it in order to give some better intonation. In addition,we were working in some funny and really interesting activities. The purpose of those activities was to know how to solve different situations inmediately not only in teaching field but for everyday life. Instructor Geovany suggested us that we have to be ready and sure as possible to answer students questions, doubts and to solve problems that can arise in the classroom.
What I really like about the two workshop we has these 2 weeks was to pass to the front to tell stories in order to control our nerves, modulate our voices when standing in front of the class. I learnd from my classmates’ strengths and weknesses. Weaknesses and mistakes make us learn in order to improve and be better for life and furute teaching practice.  Finally, even thought I learned important things to put them in practice not only for teaching practice but for everyday life, I enjoyed every single activity we did in the workshops. It was a great experience, I share with my classmates, we forgot for  a while our routines, we had fun and we learned at the same time.

To summarize, it is important that we interact with our students, specially children in order to motivate them and  make them feel in an interactive environment where they can develop their language knowledges. As well, we have to take into account the importance of the way we modulate our voices according to different situations, instructions or explanations. Taking control about our nerves will also contribute to take control over our students. We do not have to forget to be a child when we work with them.

“If a child cannot learn in the way we teach, we must teach in a way the child can learn.”unknown

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Why are materials important when teaching English to children? Do we can create the materials we will use in classes by ourselves? In this workshop, I learned how to integrate  different and creative activities by making use of materials which can be created by ourselves. One of the advantages to create our own materials for the class is that they result cheaper, catchy for student’s sight, and we can apply our creativity on them.

Materials such as flash cards can be used in order children practice vocabulary about a topic we have already taught. As well, flip cards are useful and convenient if our main objective is to allow children to practice reading skill.

Moreover, there are materials such as clay which can not be only used to ask students create a figure but to help them to develop or improve their sensory and fine - gross motor skills. An important detail about modeling clay is that can be used to calm down children. As we already know children are full of energy and sometimes they get easily distracted in class, a good way to calm them down is throught a modeling clay technique; as well they get focused when they get their hands on clay due to its texture.

Furthermore, grouping techniques are so important when teaching children. Through grouping techniques, children are able to practice the language with classmates. At the same time they can also interact to each other and work on little tasks and projects. There are different strategies we can use to create groups in our classes. For example, we can put 3  pieces of color paper in a box ans ask children to get together all color “green”, also providing pieces of paper with a half of an animal (if we will teach animals) and asks children to look for the person who was the other half of the image, and so on.

Besides, in this workshop I learned that puppets are a good strategy to motivate children, make them feel part of the class, get them interested on learning and to speak English. Puppets are an effective way to get children’s attention for the reason that they are catchy and children enjoy them.  It is important to mention that we can create our own puppets according to the topic we will teach using materials we have in home (bottons, wool, old cloth, socks, etc).

In addition, musical instruments are useful if we are looking for an activity that help our students to memorize vocabulary. I learn that musical instruments stimulate children’s learning. Instruments can be created with a can of soda, stones, seeds, sand, etc. It also can be painted with different colors and paper.
During this workshop, my classmates also showed an interesting material called “Spining Wheel”. I would like to use it with future students. Spining Wheel can be used to teach vocabulary such as animals, color, fruits, verbs, body parts, etc. One of the advantages of this material is that can be placed in the classrrom and adapted as many times we want according to what we are going to teach. 
To conclude, we are able to create material by ourselves according to the lesson we will teach. It is an important  to take into account the color and size of materials; remember that the materials we provid ein classes have to be catchy in order students get interested. There are different materials we can create by ourselves in order to get student’s attention, help them to learn the language as well to develop their fine and gross motor skills by creating an interactive environment. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Speaking Activities

During this workshop, I learned different speking activities which can be used in the language classroom not only to make children feel confident about their learning, but to practice the target language and get fun at the same time. I also learned that  interaction is pretty important when teaching children due to they feel part of the group.

Besides, creativity is the key to encourage children to speak; we as language teachers are able to use many speaking activities that allow children to participate and get active in the lesson without make them feel forced.

One of the most important things I learned from this workshop is that we need to give clear and short instructions as possible for the reason that children  are beginners in the language; so that it would be difficult for them to understand and to follow our instructions. As well, it is important to make sure if children have understood instructions before performing an activity. However, we have to avoid asking questions such as “I don’t know if you understand?”. In contrast, it is better to ask more appropiate questions like “Is everything clear?” or “Is there any question?”.

Furthermore, keeping control about students and the class itself is quite difficult for teacher but it is important to teacher take control over children and how the class is going on. A good strategy I learned is to avoid show our back to children when we are explaining, writing or posting material on the board. In addition, materials are important to teach English to children. Materials (flashcards, puppets, toys, etc.) have to do with size, color and the material itself.
For example, if we will use flashcards to teach vocabulary, they have to be big enough in order all children be able to see it. As well, colors are very important in order to catch children’s attention. Finally, material such as ball, toys, dices or balloons have also be bigger for the reason that children have troubles on managing small objects.
To summarize, there are many speaking activities we can integrate into the lesson according to the topic or vocabulary we are going to teach. We also have to be very creative in order to encourage children to speak through catchy material and activities where they not just get fun but also encounter vocabulary from the target language.  

Songs and Chants

In the last few years, songs and chants have been used in English teaching, specially teaching children (young learners) because of many benefits that songs and chants bring in the language teaching field.
  • Chant: is simple vocabulary spoken over a background of music or rhythm. Chants are based on model of repetition and learned response.
  • Song: a short metrical composition intended or adapted for singing

It is important to mention that we teachers can add gestures to the songs or chants, like facial expressions, hand and body actions and movements. These actions help children to encounter meaning and vocabulary. Besides, clapping, dancing and playing, stimulate children to remember easier the meaning of the words.

Example of song (Children 6-9 years)

Example of chant (Children 6-9 years )



Moreover, songs and chants can be adapted depending on the topic we are teaching. I also consider a catchy rhythm of songs is very important for the reason that children feel motivate and interested on learning. In addition, teachers can integrate songs or chants in the lesson at different stages from the framework. For example, if we have already taught a topic (vocabulary), then we can look for a songs to use it as a warm up in the lesson in order to review what we studied in previous classes. On the other hand, songs and chants can be included in the during stage, if we are teaching a specific topic and we want our students get familiar with the topic and vocabulary.

Even though songs and chants are useful in English teaching practice for children, there are some negative aspects teachers have to take into account in order to avoid inconvenient when
choosing songs for young learners.


  • To develop listening and speaking skills. Songs and chants help learners become familiar with words stress, intonation and pronunciation.
  • To stimulate children’s interest in the target language.
  • To provide a relaxed classroom atmosphere, helping teachers get closer to their students.
  • To motivate to learn and to be active.

Negative aspects
  • Song or chant should contain limited vocabulary and topics should be within the experiences of children.
  • The songs should present a limited musical challenge.
  • Audios or songs can lack of quality.
  • Songs or chants might not be according to the children’s age or level.
To summarize, teaching English through songs is useful not only to motivate children, but to help them feel part of a class. As well, to encourage them to get familiar with the target language, and expose them to the real pronunciation of words, and acquiring new vocabulary.  One important detail is that we teachers are able to adapt songs or chants according what we have to teach.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Lesson Plan

Planning lessons to teach English to children needs an important care because of the different task and activities in order students acquire the target language. As well, creating an environmental where children feel part of it.
In the workshop “Planning lessons”, I learned to take into account important details which a lesson plan has to include in it.
Lesson Plan (Speaking) PDP
Don Bosco University
Teaching Practicum I “Teaching English to Young Learners”
Teacher: Brenda Xiomara Ayala Arias                                    Date:
Topic: “What’s your name?”
Objective:  By the end of this lesson SWBAT spell their names and use greeting vocabulary in a short introducing conversation.
Target skill: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing          Planning Framework: PDP, PPP





5 min



Wam up

Ss will be asked to stand up and make a circle, one by one will be asked to say their name and say a name of their favorite animal, fruit, food or sport as their “last name”.

Aim of the activity:


Type of learner: V,A,K,A.

Interaction: T-S, S-S


5  min



T will posted  on the board the phrases such as “Hello”, “Hi” “What is your name?” and “My name is…” - Ss will be asked to repeat the phrases.

Aim of the activity:


Type of learner: V,A,K,A.

Interaction: T-S, S-S






During listening

Ss will be asked to make a circle and to sit on the floor.T will play a short song “Hello, hello… what’s your name?, what’s your name?”

After singing the song, each of the Ss will be asked to say their names using the phrase My name is…

Aim of the activity:


Type of learner: V,A,K,A.

Interaction: T-S, S-S










During listening

T will posted the phrase “How do you spell your name?” T will asked Ss say a name. Ss will be asked to help to spell that name . e.g . Maria M-a-r-i-a

Ss still sitting on the floor, T will provide each Ss a page with the lyric of the song “Bingo” (including colors, images) T will teach the song, Ss will be asked to repeated. T will play the song and Ss will sing.

T will asked Ss get in goups of 3 and to help each other to spell their names.

Aim of the activity:


Type of learner: V,A,K,A.

Interaction: T-S, S-S







T will played once the previous song “What’s your name?” and “Bingo”

Ss will be asked to ask for  the name of three classmates. Using phrases “Hello”, What’s your name? How do you spell your name? “Good bye”

Aim of the activity:


Type of learner: V,A,K,A.

Interaction: T-S, S-S
Type of learners: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Verbal
Interaction: T-S, S-S
Lesson Plan (Writing) PPP

Don Bosco University

Teaching Practicum I “Teaching English to Young Learners”

Teacher: Brenda Xiomara Ayala Arias            Date: August 31st  , 2015

N° of students: 15

Lesson time: 1 hour (60 min)

Topic: “What’s your name?”

Objective: By the end of this lesson SWBAT write and spell three different proper names by asking the question How do you spell it?

Target skill: grammar/writing      Planning Framework : PPP










Warm up

Students will stand up and play “Hot potato”.

Who get the (ball) will be asked what were the questions and vocabulary  studied last class (hello, hi, what’s your name? bye, good bye)

Aim of the activity:

To review the topic from last class


Type of learner: K, V

Interaction: T-S , S-S







Teacher will post the question “How do you spell it?” as well all the letters from the alphabet on the board and Ss will asked if they remember how the letters are pronounced.

Teacher will asked for help about how to spell his/her own name. Brenda B-r-e-n-d-a

Aim of the activity:To present the topic.


Material: colorful flashcards

Type of learner: V,A

Interaction: T-S










Students will be asked to practice spelling and writing their first name and their last name.

Teacher will spell 8 different proper names and students have to write each letter they listen in order to complete the name .

Ss will be asked to get in pairs in order to check the names they got from the spelling.

Then teacher will post a piece of paper with the name she has spelled in order children check their answers.

Aim of the activity: To practice spelling through listening and writing .

Material: pieces of paper with proper names

Type of learner: A, V

Interaction: T-S, S-S









Teacher will give each students a piece of paper with a proper name, Ss will look for the person who was the same name in the piece of paper in order to get in pairs.

Teacher will provide a list of proper names to each student in the pairs. Ss will take turns once spell first while the other student write.

Aim of the activity: To demonstrate Ss can write proper names when listening the spelling.


Material:list of 10 proper names

Type of learner: A, V, K

Interaction: T-S,  S-S






Wrap up

Teacher will asked for proper names that begings with a speific letter. Who take more than 5 seconds to say a name will pass to the board and T will spell a name from the list and S has to write each letter down.

Aim of the activity: To review writing proper names by spelling


Material: list with 10 proper names

Type of learner: A, V, K, V Interaction: T-S, S- S
Before planning my lessons, I already knew that there is a format which has to be followed when creating lesson plans. As well, it is important that we, language teachers know how to differentiate between the planning frameworks PPP and PDP. I think I had no problems with frameworks. However, during planning lessons, I think it was difficult for me to write the objective due to it is the guide we use for all the lesson plan structure. I consider this was an issue for me because I was not clear about what I expected or wanted my students achieved at the end of the lessons. Besides, thinking on the different activities for each of the stages was a little bit hard. I consider tasks and activities need to be meaningful, useful and to have an objective in each stage. After planning my lessons, I learned important things such as, take into account the smallest but no less important details which a lesson plan has to count with. For example: to assign a date as well to specify the materials I will use for each activity. To write the objective for each activity is so important as well. Moreover, I learned that it is also important to specify the type of learner: visual, verbal, auditory or kinesthetic. In addition, I learned that we can include more details into the lesson plan format such as the number of students we have in the course and the time which the lesson will be performed. Finally, even though I learned important things about lesson plan, I aware that I need to improve in order to create potential and meaningful lesson plans. The main objective is not only to encourage students to learn the target language, but to make them feel part of a leaning environment. One important aspect is the teacher need to know how to manage with different behaviors in the classroom and awe also are able to make arrangements in the lesson in order to adapt them according to the students’ needs.