Sunday, May 8, 2016

Reflection- Teaching Practicum II "Teaching English to Teenagers"

Teaching Practicum II - Teaching English to Teenagers course has already finished. It was one of the most important subjects I took in my 5th years at University in order  to become a professional teacher. Last semester, I had a great experience in Teaching Practicum I –Teaching English to Children. I had never had the opportunity to work with kids before taking the subject.  I learned a lot of important aspects as well as strategies that were useful not only by working with children but also teaching teenagers, eventhough the experience is totally different. Why was it a different experience?. First, the age, behavior and attitude of students are different because of their brain’s development. Second, in Teaching Practicum II, we started working with a new framework to plan our lessons which is called ECRIF. This framework is divided in the following stages: Encounter, Clarify, Remember, Internalize, and Flently use. To be honest,  at the beginning of the course I had no idea about this framework and I felt a little bit scared about applying it. However, I had high expectations about learning this framework and I had a big intrigue to know how was the experience to plan my lessons using ECRIF. When our teacher Yanira Peña explained us the ECRIF framework I was confused because of the different stages and what kind of activities could be more  effective  according to the different stages for this framework. However, it was only through practice that I really understood that this new framework is teacher friendly and flexible. Besides, as soon as I started practicing in classes the ECRIF framework I realized that lessons  are very detailed and organized. I consider this is important because both of roles teacher’s and students’ are very clear. I also understood that different activities can be used in order to deliver a lesson using this framework, and it is not as complex as I though at the very first time I saw a template about it. Let me tell you I really like the ECRIF framework. I think I will use it for  future lessons.
Moreover, as I mentioned above, ECRIF looked complex and confused for me. I did not know what kind of activities I had to apply for each of the stages , and I had not clear enough the difference between some of the stages about the framework . For example, remember and internalize stages. In order to clarify my doubts and to overcome this situation, I researched on Internet about ECRIF and its components as well as activities we should apply in order to deliver a potential lesson. I also watched some tutorials on Youtube, and I practiced a lot.
In Teaching Practicum II, my classmates and I had the opportunity to practice teaching with teens. I think all of us delivered good lessons and we also improved our teaching styles, strategies, materials, attitude in each lesson taught. A classmate who really caught my attention because of the  great improvement he had  during the three lessons was Luis Oyarbide. In his practice, I could notice the improvement he had not only in his lessons but himself as a teacher. I remember his first lesson taught in this course. He was a little bit nervous. I could notice on his face. Furthermore, there were some materials which needed to be improved. Even though he had a good attitude toward students, in his first class he was serous and the tone of his voice were not appropriate at all. On his second lesson, the improvement was noticeable. This time Teacher Luis looks more confident. The instructions given were clear and he interacted more with students. I think this last point is very important for the reason that students feel confident when teachers smile with them or when teachers express positive phrases such as “Excellent job!”. Finally, in his last lesson, Luis did a really good job, the activities he planned were funny and meaningful  for students. The materials he uses were appropriate. One of the things I liked from Luis lessons is the fact that he always asked for volunteers and students raise their hands. It is admirable because sometimes students feel shy in the class. As well, teacher Luis had a good control of the time. During his third lesson his nervous disappear because he looked really confident. He knew what he was doing even though he was the only one who had to teach one hour and a half. I think this aspect was a challenge for him. However, teacher Luis demonstrated his potential on the teaching field and the great teacher he is. Nevertheless, Luis, my classmates and I need to improve some little details in order to deliver excellent lessons in the future and to be potential teachers.
Finally, I want to mention that I learned different things in Teaching Practicum II. In my personal opinion, I did a good job in this course. I effort a lot in order to deliver really good classes. I dedicated enough time to plan my lessons, materials and other important aspects for each of my lessons taking into account students needs. As well, I think I applied the ECRIF framework properly. I consider all my lesson plans were clearly detailed. I tried to apply all my knowledges and strategies during my practice. As teacher I felt confident when delivering my lessons. The activities I planned were effective; eventhough, I know I need to improve some important details but I am sure I will do it because teaching more than be a profession is a passion for me.
"The mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates, the great teacher inpires" - William Arthur Ward


Sunday, January 31, 2016

Physical and psychosocial development of the adolescent student

During this week, in Teaching Practicum II course, we discussed about the physical and psychosocial development of the adolescent students, this topic made remember my adolescence time. As we have already studied, adolescence is a period  of many changes in human’s lives, and these changes may result difficult for adolescents. As all teens, I also faced many changes as physical as phychosocial. I remember when my body started changing. For me, this stage was kind confusing for the reason that at the moment to dress I did know what to wear since I was not a little girl anymore. Besides, at the same time I was surprising for all those physical changes we girls suffer in the adolescence. On the other hand, I was not an exception of the psychosocial development. I remember, I wanted to be part of a group in which I could be accepted. As all teens, I also experienced my first love relationship and break up. During this period of my life I wanted to go out with my friends, and I remember how disappointed I felt when my parents did not allow me to go out with them. I behaved unmature and I always wanted to have the reason  of everything. Now, I see all those facts, it was really embarrasing! 

(Self -Esteem Tips: Dealing with body image issues)
Despite once I was a teen, I did know why adolescents go trough many changes. I did know why they behave the way the do. But now, as a young adult and as a teacher I understand why adolescents are in fact adolescents. I learned that adolescence is a transition where teens are getting ready to become adults. In the article “The self, identity, emotion, and personality” , Susan Harter expreses that “adolescents carry with them a sense of who they are and what makes them different from everyone else”. In other words, teens look for idependence, attention, and their own self and identity in order to be unique. In addition, I learned that teens are emotional and this aspect influence in the way they think and the way they tend to behave. Moreover, I learned that teenagers deal with self –understanding and self - esteem which is the cognitive representation that each human has about himself. According to Harter (2006), an adolescent’s self – undersatanding is based, in part, on the various roles and membership categories that define who adolescents are.
Regarding to the teaching field, as a techer I would like to help my adolescent students to find their own identity, being the way they are. I consider important to make our students understand that even though they all are teens in the classroom, and they are facing the same changes;  everyone is so different  because everyone has their own essence, which makes them unique; no matter if they have the same likes, needs, capacities and interests. I would also like to help my students by creating an environment where they feel confident about themselves, and that they are  part of a group where they can demonstrate their capacities and at the same time help them to discover new abilities.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Meeting and dealing with the changes in the brain of a teenger

Before start working with teens, it is important to understand how the adolescent’s brain works, the way they use to behave, and some other details we as teachers need to know and take into account in order to take advantage when teaching languages to teens and make them feel confident in the target language learning.
To be honest, before taking the Teaching Practicum II -Teaching English to Teens course, I had never asked myself why adolescents behave the way they do. Even though, I was a teen I believed that the adolescence was just a “difficult” stage in huma's life. My perspective about adolescents behavior was negative at some point for the reason that most of the teens are dramatic, emotionals, lazy, and they also get angry easily without any reason. However, at this period of life humas have more capacity to learn new things or develop a new talent such as play an instrument. During adolescence, teens start experiencing new things, and this last point may be a risk for them if they are out of their parent's control. For example, teens may taste drugs or be part of gangs in order  “to be accepted in the society”.

Looking and researching for information about the adolescent brain, I learned that some of the reasons that explain the behavior in teens is that teenagers want to be independent, as well the values and the environmentin which they grow up may influence in teens behavior. Besides, in adolescence, unused connections in the thinking and processing part of the teen brain (grey matter) start working, that is why between 18-19 years old the brain becomes more efficient. In addition, there are some important parts of the brain such as the amygdala that influence in the teenager’s brain and the decisions they make. The amygdala is associated with emotions , impulses, agression and instintive behavior. Due to the role this part of the brain plays , teenagers are not aware about the consequences of their actions and decision making. However, it is not until the Prefrontal cortex of the brain is “developed”, teens start making jugdments, they control their impulses and emotions, as well they tend to think about the consequences of their own acions. Moreover, I learne that when teens become mature they ask and think what kind of person they want to be and they see themselves in the real world. (Source
As a teacher my expectations for working with teens are high. Besides teach my students a new language, I also want to learn from them. I consider that through practice, I will understand better what are the teens' needs and how to deal with different behaviors in the classroom. It will help me as a teacher to be even  more creative by the time to create lesson plans according to adolescents likes in order to catch their attention. Finally, I think that more than be a teacher, we need to be a positive guide to our students specially in adolescence stage.

"Adolescence represents an inner emotional upheaval, a struggle between the eternal human wish to cling to the past and the equally powerful wish to get on with the future". - Louise J. Kaplan


Teaching Praticum II - "Teaching English to Teens"